
By champignons

Mr Nut was happy today because when I picked him up I got to go in and look at his work and look at his dinosaur model he'd made and he got to take it home and it's caller rattasaurus and it's his new pet.

He also got a reading book with actual word in it, he was so pleased he made me read it with him straight away, it was a great read. If you are interested in words ending in -am.

Then he asked for some 'pops' and I had no idea what he meant, until he pointed at a box of prehistoric cocoa pops and said 'those. P-O-P-S. Pops' and I realised nothing was safe any more. they were a heath and safety risk so they went in the bin. He doesn't like them anyway.

Then he forced me to do phonics, and then we made cheesy pancakes for dinner because daddy is still at school (open day). He did the weighing an cheese grating, we shared the whisking because thats the best bit, and I did the burning and the tossing, because I'm a great big tosser. then he had a kiwi fruit and another pancake, but not a small one. 'I don't like small ones. I need a medium sized one' I never cease to be amazed at the capacity on one small boy to eat pancakes.

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