When you're a stranger

Today I had the privilege of inviting someone I didn't know to be blipped for the blipfoto "When You're a Stranger" project. This involves taking a pic in the old style - very quaint! The camera will now go on to the next blipper. I can reveal that my camera has already travelled through the Netherlands, Switzerland, Northern Ireland and England and will be going back to England for the next shot.

Here is the person I have (I hope!) also captured on the film in the disposable camera. He is John K, discovered in Red Square in Abergavenny. It is so called because once there was red scaffolding erected there for some work to be done, not because of any socialist connection! John is originally from North Wales, but has lived in Mardy, north Abergavenny, for many years. He was very happy to be photographed, and wished me "Happy photography" as we went our separate ways after the brief photo-shoot.

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