
By Nikael

Turning into ice statues

You start to think about your life and all the unnecessary things in it when you feel threatened. When you can actually feel the adrenalin cascading in your tendons..

This week my own little boy (client) at work attacked me twice in one day. That same morning he had attacked also one of my colleagues, and the next morning he bit her in the arm, and the wound wasn't that small.

He took a strong grab of my face and pressed really hard. If he hadn't had gloves on, I'd have some nasty looking blood lines on both sides of my face right now. Later he made some read lines at my thorax. There wasn't any blood to be seen but smiling hurts. My colleague wasn't that lucky - she has some clear eschars at her arms.

I know that this isn't very bad - I could have been in a car accident or my client could have bit me in the face with nasty results. Anything could have happened and much more worse than what actually did happen. But still I can not help feeling lonely, scared, smothered, deflated and small. And I can't help thinking of my life and what I cherish in it. And what I should cherish in it.

It makes you think, it makes you humble, it makes you fallow..

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