Eye Catching

This charming lady was standing in the doorway of her shop in Glastonbury High Street this afternoon, modelling this eye-catching face jewellery, more of which was on display in the shop window. Bearing in mind my comment on my blip two days ago, I plucked up courage to chat to her about it. Apparently, the jewellery is made in Venice (presumably with the February Carnival masks as inspiration).

As I said, she was absolutely charming and more than happy to pose for this photo and keen to give her seal of approval. Her shop, Lilith, is full of such interesting and eclectic items and well worth a visit if you're in the area.

My brother-in-law and I had gone over to browse the local independent record (the last of its kind in the area) shop and were horrified to find it is closing down a week tomorrow.

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