Quick blip today as I have been out all day with my daughter-in-law buying plants, then back to their house where Mr. HCB planted them all, and now I need to get ready to go out this evening to celebrate a young friend's 19th anniversary of her 21st birthday - and that makes her much younger than me! Happy Birthday, Clare!
Saw this lovely PINK tea towel whilst at the garden centre buying plants - a more "up market" one today with no puddles and thought this fitted in well with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Challenge.
Should have bought this for Mr. HCB, as it is biblical that a man does the wiping up - according to this verse anyway:
The Lord declared:
.....I will wipe away the people of Jerusalem
as a MAN wipes a dish and turns it upside down to dry.
2 Kings 21:13
Living Bible
You know the score by now - please click here so that someone in need can have a free mammogram.
Not only is it just two months until Christmas, but it would have been Mr. HCB's father's 107th birthday today - can't believe he has been gone for nearly 40 years - we still talk about him a lot and remember him with love - one of life's true gentlemen and an avid gardener!
Have a great weekend - and I hope the sun shines on someone, somewhere!
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