
By SkiMe

Wheelin' in Friday

sad tie-in to Steeley Dan's Reeling In The Years...

Feeling like crap today, but I said to myself... now or never - and I made myself to go for a ride.

Overcast and damp, but otherwise quite warm considering the season. Even the mosquitos and gnats have come back for one last party!

I put the repaired Campy's on the Colnago for a spin. They are as I remembered. I changed out the cassette and now all the ratios are perfect and I can keep a decent pace. Those wheels roll so smooth and stiff in the vertical plane - combined with a stiff Colnago = 1 sore butt. haha The best I have tried for acceleration and cornering. Not the best for aerodynamics... they do seem to drag more than the Fulcrums and can be a bit nervous when on a road with a lot of traffic and cross currents. So! I think these puppies will go back to the Dogma - where they belong!

Happy weekend!

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