
By KenH

Light trails in the rain.

Our Photo Club is doing a series of tutorials for the inexperienced photographers among us. Tonight it was light trails. We went to a bridge over the M55 which has no street lights and is out in the country so is nice and dark. I was hoping to set up a camera to do star trails whilst we were there but then cloud rolled in and the rain started, again. :(
Everyone that said they were coming arrived despite the rain although a couple were reluctant to expose their cameras to the wet. Proceedings were interrupted at one point by the arrival of the local constabulary who was wondering what all the cars parked on the bridge were up to. When we explained he was very interested in what we were shooting and spent some time understanding how we did it before wishing us well and driving off.
Along with helping the 'students' I managed to experiment with light trails using multiple exposures.. This image is an in camera blend of 5 10second exposures and is not blowing out the headlight trails the way a straight 50second exposure would.

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