
Sheffield street artist at work.
I spied this guy when I was having a walk around Sheffield with my son this morning..
The boards he was working on will all be redone next week, halloween theme until Christmas and then they'll change again... Bet you can't guess what next ;-)

Got back to the homeland just after three and went straight down the lane to walk the dags, whilst walking I came across Denis and his two daughters. They were grabbing some of the lovely autumn sunshine and getting a much needed breath fresh air, they have sadness to deal with and the next few weeks will be difficult. I walked along with the three of them and then sauntered back with Dennis, he has been a farmer all his life and, as is true of most farmers, is a very gentle man, he is trying to make some sense of the bastard that is his wife's illness and the nonsense that is the health service insisting we all hang on and suffer to a bitter end.
I quote him here and I know so many people feel the same ..."I've put healthier animals to sleep"

Other stuff:
Maggie the wonky donkey seems to like her little stable and thought the shavings we put down were fab, she was straight down and rolling in them. It was a joy to watch her. She made me smile :-) big smiles!

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