But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Please Can We Have Our Ball Back?

I took Mrs TD to a patchwork meeting this morning, I feel she's getting a bit obsessive about it, perhaps she should be doing something creative like Blipfoto. While she was there, I went for a walk (in the pouring rain) trying to find some decent photographs; I feel that some water may have penetrated the camera lens as, for most of the day, I was taking some strangely fuzzy pictures, but it seems to be better now.

Today's blip was the best of the bunch but the focus is a little behind the subject so, after trying to regain some of the crispness that should be there, I have achieved a slightly artificial result. I did think of tarting it up as I did yesterday’s, but decided against overusing that particular “get out of jail” card.

The story is that Chess and Molly love playing with the ball, they steal it from one another as they compete for the honour of returning it to the person who throws it. Merlin sees no reason why they should enjoy a game in which he is handicapped to an extent that he cannot participate. His solution to the problem is to steal it himself and refuse to return it, so he is stalked by the other two until he loses interest - which can take a very long time, by then the ball may well have lost its felt over-coat and been dis-assembled into several constituent parts. Some times we try to make him relinquish it by offering biscuits, but he is now wise to that and ignores us; at other times we chase him in an attempt to take it by force, but he runs away - that is very good exercise for all of us.

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