"Picture Perfect" ...
...It is today, out at the Inland Botanical Gardens via Mildura, Victoria, Australia..where we were today...about 15 minutess drive from where we live...
...We went there especially to go on the little train which takes a run through the beautiful gardens - 14 of us and 2 big dogs as well... The train with about 6 little carriages was pulled by a tractor, and a wonderful running informative commentry was given by the driver, a volunteer...
...He told us that all of the gardens are run almost wholly by volunteers, just a few paid workers, with a scattering of Community Service workers - and indeed the Justice System of Victoria and New South Wales certainly use this Time To Be Spent - right there - and what a lovely place to be..amongst the Roses and all...
...There was a wedding to be held this afternoon and we're very sure - we know where the Bride and Groom will have some of their photographs taken - right there, against the backdrop of these beautiful Rings of Roses...so many of them...
...And on this Picture Perfect Day -they may have even been married within the Gardens as there is a very special Bush Chapel right nearby - certainly with no frills, just logs to sit on and the ground beneath one's feet - and the sky above, with the trees for shelter - right there - on this Picture Perfect Day...
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