Race for Life

Rain, thunder, heavy rain, lightening... we made it though! A group of us soggy folks did the 5km race for life at the brilliantly names Boggart Hole Clough. We ran, walked, and wheeled our way found the course... and got fantastically wet in our pink sparkley outfits. My camera didn't like the rain... and it didn't like being dropped in the rain on the floor either - so I only got a few photos... but after a rest it's working again (hooray).

One of out team Jill did the route in her wheelchair and we took turns pushing it - which turned into a conga of chair pushers on the steep uphill bit! We had a brilliant support team of fellas too, and after we finished, most of us went to one of the teams houses who hadn't been able to come due to illness... and ate chips with her to warm up and celebrate.

Our sponsor page is here if anyone was feeling extra generous - and more photos are here

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