Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

A bit disappointing

Photos of Cap Formentor are, it has to be said, a disappointment
They are spectacular for sure but they completely fail to capture the jaw dropping scale of the place. Look at the ant like creatures on the left hand side and you may get an inkling of the true scale.

This was our first 'expedition' day. A lovely cross-country drive through the surprisingly green interior of Majorca, through the tourist ghettos of Alcudia and on to the beautiful bay at Puerto Polenca. Then for the inquisitive, the old town of Polenca, a medieval warren of streets and classy shops which I had never visited but certainly will again. Unexpected meetings of friends added to the day and as the sun set, up the nerve shredding hairpins (sorry Killer Queen) towards the Cap to capture the light.
A great day

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