Autumn Colours

After the late night last night (apologies for poor quality of write up yesterday but in my defence it was very late, actually I think it may have been this morning) we are having a lazy day around the house.

A quick trip to Callander this morning for Daughter's voice lesson then back home for bacon butties. Afterwards we gathered round the T.V. and watched Behind The Candelabra. Really enjoyed it. Great casting but have to admit Rob Lowe stole the show in a, much to short, supporting role. Coincidentaly I'm listening to his autobiography 'Stories I Only Tell My Friends'. Very enjoyable, especially as we are of similar ages so a lot of the references are familiar.

Anyway, Back to the blip. Decided to take a photo of the fallen leaves under the tree in the garden when I spotted this beastie trying to hide himself on the branch.

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