Met Office dart board's broken

Sparkey and I have come to the opinion that the Met Office just throw darts at a board when it comes to predicting the weather in the Lothians and Fife. Once again the prediction was for clear skys so even after last nights cloud aborted attempt at startrails we thought we'd give them another chance to get it right. However just as we set up to do startrails just outside Burntisland once again the clouds rolled in Looks like Michael Fish (of storm prediction fame) must be running the show at the Met Office now.

Instead we settled for long exposure shots (and in this case I mean loooooooong exposure shot) of a winding road just outside Burntisland.

Still, good banter and fun to watch some of the Fife nutters on the road, overtaking on blind corners etc. Also fun to watch Sparkey almost go headlong down the slope in the dark when a couple of cars came along the track we were taking photos from.

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