
By HClaireB


We collect contemporary artists' books. This is a double page spread from the latest book, called "Bazaar", from the wonderful Susan Allix. For this book, Susan travelled the world visiting bazaars and collecting her inspiration for the words and the paintings.

She then designs and prints everything herself, using papers that she has collected over the years (the white paper in this book was bought from a hand-made paper mill when it was closing 40 years ago, and the colourful papers that you can glimpse round the edge were bought in India). She type-sets and prints using old lead type face that she collects from junk shops whenever she sees it. As if that wasn't enough, she also binds and boxes the books herself using colourful papers, fabrics and leathers. They are exquisite works of art.

If this sort of thing interests you, you would enjoy the Oxford Book Fair next weekend.

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