Scattered Polaroids

By sp


Graham and I woke up weirdly late - we'd somehow slept through a storm. We headed for Richmond with Mama Bear. First stop, pastries and coffee in our fave pastries-and-coffee place. There were some women completely oblivious to the waitress calling their order, so she stood in the middle of the cafe and screamed it at the top of her voice. Everyone looked really shocked, apart from the women, who were still oblivious. We found it possibly a bit too funny.

Had a walk along the river, saw loads of squirrels, then headed back into town to look in all the charity shops. While we were in Wholefoods Market it got dark. Seriously dark. It looked like it was about 4 hours later than it actually was. On the way back to the station it torentialled all over us.

Back home, slightly soggy, Graham had a nap while we made veggie stew and dumplings. Actually immense.

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