Time and opportunity.....

By kayempee

First Swim for Summer

This morning I got a call from my sister. She had 4 children with her and they had made their way up the coast for the day. I readily obliged, packed my paddle board into the car, grabbed the pooches and mum and her dog and we made our way to Maroochydore beach for the day.

Salt water, surf, good times. fish and chips for lunch in the shade then a good play on the paddle board at Cotton Tree. All the while I was intended to start the mammoth task of moving my music to an external drive and start sorting through many years of photos and backing them up. That will all happen, in good time.

My niece is here with her good friend (she is on the right) and the boys are playing around on the paddle board (nephew driving). After getting back from Iceland I truly appreciate where I live, it's heaven.

Meanwhile back in the land of file transfers and back ups.....

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