1-year-old portrait

Today is Buddha's birthday. He's 1 and yesterday was the 6 month anniversary for him coming to live with us. He's a rescue puppy. And he's made such a progress within the 6 months already. I think our cavaliers have taught him a lot!

Buddha is still afraid of strange hands and he might bite people he doesn't know (I naturally don't allow that to happen), but that's only outside. Inside the house he feels safe and likes people who visit us. He is such a precious little soul. We are so lucky to have him.

Here Buddha is playing with Amadeus who loves having an energetic pal to play with. Nelson is right next to them (outside the picture) sound a sleep. Once in while he joins mainly just to bark at them and to wagg his tail vividly. Nelson enjoys his peace and quiet.

People sometimes ask why we have 3 dogs.
I guess if you have to ask you just wouldn't get the answer.

w/ <3

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