Problem number 1
Arriving back at Edinburgh Airport a bit before midnight on Friday is not the best time to find out that your zapper won't open the car doors. Even the key wouldn't open the one door with a keyhole - even when I tried to force it and seem to have almost separated the key from its "handle" (I think I had been turning it the wrong way).
So, at about 01.30 we had to get a (very expensive) taxi home - only to discover that the central heating would also not work.
All of Saturday spent waiting & getting Scottish Gas to fix the problem (it was the pump that had short-circuited) the going back out to the Airport with a second set of keys.
Unfortunately, these did not work either and so I had to call out the AA. As a precaution and a coincidence (?) I had rejoined the AA that very morning. I really had intended to rejoin before we went on holiday.
The problem was that the battery was knackered - itself as a result of a return of a problem I thought had been fixed in June - easily solved by buying a new battery which the AA guy just happened to have in his van.
I was too stressed to Blip this on Saturday, on Friday we were in transit and Thursday's Blip was also back-Blipped as the hotel in Boston was the only hotel of our trip that wanted to charge for internet access.
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