I had to wait until the end of the day for my blip today, having thought about what I would blip this morning, plus it meant we had to eat a Peppermint Magnum each after dinner for it all to come together. Shame, but someone had to do it.....
Here is Milo he never comes near while we eat dinner its a golden rule, no begging for food, no looking at us like he hasn't been fed for a whole week, then he gets his dinner, it's been like this since he was a very young pup. And how well behaved he is for a lab where food is concerned.
BUT!!.... We have to put him in the other room when we eat a MAGNUM, yes Anniemay this is your doing! :-) Milo's undoing, he presses his nose on the glass door until we have almost finished them then the door opens! First Glyn's stick with the last of his ice cream then mine, tonight Glyn gave him both our sticks with the end of the ice cream on the stick..
We all know how delicious a Peppermint magnum can be! Delicious and irresistible!!
I think "streets Magnum" should pay me for this blip! With a truckload of Magnums or at least freebies for a whole year! Delicious!
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