Violet and Minnie Blip Meet!

We went to Oxford to meet this pretty lady - she was totally overcome by it all and slept through it all! What a cutie, she was so good! Unlike Minnie who was sick on Violet's lovely rocker.....thank goodness for baby wipes!

Craig made us a delicious lunch - he's such a keeper :)

We popped to Bicester on the way home - Minnie now has a cute Paul Smith TShirt and a Cath Kidston pull along suitcase. She has such great taste, we are teaching her early!

Then home for a speedy change of clothes as I was out with the girls for a meal and show. The meal was delicious and the show, well, it was interesting! It was a tribute to Dirty Dancing - let's just say the singers won't be seen on X Factor and the dancers were not of Strictly Cone Dancing calibre.......we laughed our way through it though......not the desired effect the show was meant to have!

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