Stanley water front.....

Jet lag finally caught up with me this morning and I was dead to the world all night until 9.45 a.m and I should have been out of the house some time before that. So I cut things to a minimum and made the two buses to join the family for the morning service. More than a little late but well worth it.

After a delicious Chinese lunch at DB Mariner Club, Martin took me to Stanley Market and we enjoyed looking at the great variety of goods for sale, bought some beautiful lacquerware, had coffee and cheesecake and joined the many other visitors along the front on this warm afternoon. (There must be some pink in there somewhere!)

We took the bus back to Central then the ferry to DB and another bus back to the door! There was still some of yesterday's delicious curry for dinner. A great day!

And Sandy is continuing to make a good recovery, but rested this afternoon after the busy day yesterday. Good girl!

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