Aspiring Amateur

By MegB

Road Range

This was taken from the window of a car traveling 70 MPH. My sister, another blipper, was the driver & I was the passenger. The sky was ever-changing as we drove thru sunshine & blue skies, threatening dark clouds, pouring rain, and sleeting rain that looked suspiciously like it wanted to become s-n-o-w. At this particular juncture she encouraged me to take a picture as we both admired the sky. That admiration was a great diversion to the week's worth of packing and purging my sister endured as she readied for today's move of our other sister's belongings from downstate to our oasis, 'up north'. My sister who is moving to be near the rest of us couldn't participate in the physical anguish of this move as she is still in a nursing facility healing from major surgery/illness. The love of family is strong and carried us through as we carried every last box of #%^* STUFF. ;)

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