
By Houseonahill6

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside :)

We were surprised to wake to another bright and sunny morning and it was fab as we were out by 9.15 thanks to the clocks changing so had the whole day in front of us.
We headed for Udale bay to see if any Autumn arrivals could be spotted. Flocks of geese were at the waters edge and took off in a huge triangle across the blue sky calling as they lifted from the ground. At least 28 lapwings swooped around the burn before landing. Gulls everywhere, plenty of ducks and small waders around too. It was soo quiet just the sound of the birds.
Then on to Cromarty itself. We parked near the harbour and took a slow walk around the water and down onto the beach. I have never found so many pieces of broken pottery and beach glass is so many different colours. My pockets were full, why I do nt take a bag with me is beyond under standing as I then have pockets with sand in too.
Of course we had built up quite an appetite and we just had to have a pizza to stop our rumbling tummies, delicious :) Even sat and had a cup of tea on a bench in the sunshine.
Cromarty has some wonderful buildings and wonderful views some of which you can see here

Hoping that the weather forecast is wrong for all of you in the South, if the winds do come stay indoors and stay safe.

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