Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

A Leeds Lustfest

As some of you will be aware, when I go to see bands I'm usually with my uncle, but for the first time in my life this weekend, I went to see a band on my own. It was Suede, at Leeds o2 Academy, one of my all time favourite bands that I have waited 20 years to see...and thank god my uncle wasn't there.

As I was drawn more and more into a totally hot performance by Brett Anderson I got more than a little bit overexcited. I wasn't cool. If my uncle had been there, it would have been embarrassing. As you can see I'm much closer to the front than I usually get a gigs (I'm really not a great fan of crowds), but by the end I wasn't aware of anyone else, it was just me and Brett. And here he is.

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