Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Varied Sunday

Up at the Uni this afternoon to let the Rooster participate in the first of the Central Athletics Cross Country series. The weather was a tad diverse...heavy squally showers one minute...sunshine the next...but always blustery!

He did very well, 10:17 for a 1.5 mile distance, 21st over all. He thought he was the bees knees too in his new under armour from his Aunty Gill & Uncle Paul...funny:-)

The race started under the footbridge across the Loch...snapped this shortly before the starters gun.

Earlier I had taken the other two boys to Church and the Rooster was at Rugby with Mr R. Es couldn't get up in time for Church...despite plenty she got to tidy up the lounge while we were all out:-)

The Ministers address to the children and his sermon today discussed the story of Moses. The wee fella was in his element...The Prince of Egypt the Disney/Pixar animation of the Moses story is one of his favourite films..."I know Moses" he said.

The Rooster apparently scored 3 tries...Mr R did confirm that too. The Rooster is probe to exaggerate his sporting achievements;-)

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