The Festival...

I think Ewan has been exposed to Minecraft from school. I believe they play Minecraft-a-like playground games. When we saw a version of it in the video shop the other day I mentioned that I may be able to get a version of it and it's been pushed ever since.

I've very briefly dabbled but it's a wee pop culture blind spot that I have as I'm sure it has evolved since I last saw it so I secretly wanted to plug that gap in my experience. First stop, I quick primer from someone in the know. That was easy, I spoke to Jeepo Junior. It was frightening how dexterous he was when giving me a wee overview and showing me some of his creations. Next, I didn't want Ewan to under-appreciate what it actually was. I think he was playing it with Jeepo Junior but I mentioned to him that it was basically digital lego. When we got home, he started playing with his lego and building walls. I helped him out a wee bit but I think he was essentially real world Minecrafting with his lego.

Didn't actually buy it yet, but it's probably on the cards.

I'm not sure exactly what was going on here, but apparently Ewan was holding a festival at the house we built. All these lego people are going to the party.

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