
By Angelique


Meet Tinnun, so called because she was so little when they took her in, they weren't sure what sex she was. So it would work with either sex!!
Tinnun is a Kestrel and belongs to the Secret World establishment who rescue all wild creatures. I had heard of them through my job but have never been personally. They have a website for anyone interested.
Today we took Matthew out for his usual trip (every 2 weeks), and after watching 3 trains on the bridge at Creech St Michael (previously blipped), we went back to Monkton Elm Garden Centre. We enjoyed the usual, talking to Twinkle, an African Grey Parrot who seems to have fallen in love with Phoebe. While Matthew goes to the cafe with Mr A to enjoy coffee and cake, I wonder around with Phoebes. Tinnun was very brave and not phased by anything. I noticed they also had other birds of prey in black boxes but unfortunately there wasn't time to meet them.

Matthew enjoyed his time out but is still keen to come home on Thursday for a long weekend at Stogumber.

Although it has been windy here today, so far it is quite calm. Just a lot of the wet stuff falling out of the sky. I know that tomorrow there will be trees uprooted as the ground is so waterlogged.

Stay safe all my fellow blippers. You are all precious people in this country and beyond....... As we approach the start of another week, be patient if you are waiting for something or someone! Don't rush into situations but look at all the outcomes?

Sleep well, in peace, leave the worries outside the bedroom. Night x

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