Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Arrived at the appointed hour at the neighbours’ flat last night, to be greeted with a look of horror/panic/disbelief.

Had we got the wrong day?

No - right day, wrong hour - watches still on daylight saving!! We were an hour early. But it felt later.

We had a nice evening with them. It was nibbles and drinks. A slight misunderstanding there too. Lovely nibbles, actually. But when we came home we were both starving, having been anticipating a meal and hopefully, pudding. We found a rhubarb pie and custard in the fridge and ate the whole lot. Didn’t even bother to warm it up.

This morning there has been great activity outside the flat. They’re filming a bit of ‘Pram Face’ in our road today. Just as well it's not the same day as we move!! The road has been cleared this morning, even lifting cars, and there are dozens of vans of equipment, and hordes of people. People holding back traffic at each end of the road, one chap’s job is to hold the actor’s jackets when filming (he's bottom left, doing an excellent job). One girl kept popping in and touching up his face, another just did the clapperboard. Another kept going and adjusting his jumper. What a complete faff. They did this scene many many times. I can hear the whole dialogue, and I could be a stand in, if they needed.

I did feel sorry for the main chap, when they moved over to the flat on the other side of the road, and he came out in his underwear. They were acting as two handymen, and obviously something comical (in the plot) happened inside when they were doing the work. He had to keep coming out of the door while they filmed it. He was freezing. You'd think they'd get it right first go. That's their job.

I always wanted to see a film being made. But this certainly wasn’t very glamorous, and there is a lot of standing around and re-doing scenes. And it will probably be all of 20 seconds on screen, if it makes the cut.

That’s what’s happening here today. Now. Action!

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