A bit windy!

To say it has been windy today would be an understatement. According to TV (DR2) this is one of the worst storms ever in Denmark.

I had a chiropractor appointment in Slagelse after work. It was windy when I drove there, but ok. It was insane when I drove home! It was scary!

I took the boys out for a short walk in Slagelse. It was stupid. My car door was nearly torn off and Biscuit nearly flew away.

5 kilometers from home, the main road was closed by several huge trees that was knocked over by the storm. The fire department was there. The firemen were working hard to secure the area and direct the traffic safely through the bicycle path.

The boys had a short walk, when we came home - just to ensure a quiet evening. Now we are following the situation on TV. The storm should last another 3 - 4 hours and after that it should calm and be safer.

I have been in touch with my dad and sister. They are all ok.

Bridges are closed, people are stuck in trains and can't get out and traffic is chaotic. People have been injured and one killed.

The power of nature is amazing!

Stay safe!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. Thanks for all of the hearts, stars and comments for my halloween boys yesterday :)

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