Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I don't really like babies ..

But this one.. This one has made me thaw slightly ... Just a little bit ... Baby Minnie the minnow belonging to Pidge Blipper and my friend ... We spent some time at Ninjas house today and as usual it was just delightful ... I adore those girls .. We went to the famous super sausage truckers cafe near Ninjas house and it was bloody lovely !!
Not so keen on the Van Halen thrashing about music but the fry up was spot on.
Lucy helped feed Ninjas pigs ... Bryn took my girls for a spin on his quad bike and Max ran off but guess what ??? WHAT I hear you cry ... Max has a GPRS collar and we tracked him .. Then he came back so we didn't need to go get him... Then guess what ? What I hear you cry .. We ate loads and I felt sick .
Ohhh it was a grand day.
Thanks you pair of idiots lovely girls x

Ps ... Max and minnow are friends as you can see ..
Pps... Pidge is an awesome laid back mum !!! I don't think I have ever met a new mum quite so bloody brilliant ! What a refreshing change x

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