The story so far...


Winds of change

Cam's lovely mood got blown away with lasts night 'hurricane' and he woke up grumpy and hard work. He wanted mummy's constant attention but was still grumpy when he got it. There is no pleasing him sometimes which was made harder as we are trying to get Ollie to stay awake more during the day as he still only wakes to eat. He did great and even spent the whole time between two feeds wide awake and playing on his tummy.
We got ollie's out prints done this morning and decided to paint a present for nanny whilst we were there. Cam did some good dabbing (the only way he will currently paint) but soon decided it was nap time so mummy finished off.
They say school kids behave worse depending on the weather so hopefully now the winds have passed so will cam's crappy mood and peace can return.

Confession: this picture was taken at the weekend by our very talented friend but mummy loves it and I don't think blip needs to see another picture of cam screaming!

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