FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Today I left MOH babysitting while I went Wedding Dress shopping with my future DIL, her mum, and two of her bridesmaids. It was a very enjoyable day. I always cry at weddings and must admit to getting a wee bit emotional when she tried on 'the' dress.

It was a fait accompli, dresss ordered and all accoutrements purchased.

I've never known anyone so organised as my future DIL. The wedding is just over 1 year away and all that's left to organise is the honeymoon!

Footnote: The chosen dress is not on show in this blip!

Got an email from Blip last week to say that one of my pics from last year's Velux Lovers of Light competition had made it into the final 50 to be exhibited for one night in a pop-up Gallery in London. Thought this was odd as it certainly wasn't a great pic, taken on my wee point-and-shoot camera last year on holiday. Just goes to show that maybe we don't need to spend a fortune on cameras to take a pic that is pleasing to others. I am unsure if this was a genuine email - did anyone else receive one?

Backblipped with 25.10.13

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