West Coaster

By WestCoaster

More Grey Days

Thoughts to Follow, again I fell asleep and it is just before 3am and I am going to try and grab another hour before the alarm goes off.

Despite my best attempts sleep did not come again so suffice to say I am very tired this morning. It was another grey day, the rain heavy but occasional dry spells gave a little respite to allow an opportunity to Blip. Again the river. This basin is slowly being reclaimed by nature. The undergrowth gradually creeping relentless in its consummation of the once busy place. The pier heads with their bollards starting to crumble, nobody caring about maintaining them now.

I like this view, the tree seeded naturally from the winds looks like it is meant to be there not at all out if place. Monochrome again seemed a better choice the light was very flat as the rain lingered, threatening to deluge the weary walker.

I hope you enjoy the shot such as it is and hopefully the weather is improving more as the day goes on

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