And We're Off
In both senses, we're off on holiday and we're off on our travels.
Unless I missed it the overnight storm failed to materialise, it was windy, but no worse than we've had before and the rain was heavy. The top photo shows St Michaels Mount in the aftermath, cloudy sky with no wind or rain.
Joshua and I were out of the house and on our way to Penmere Station for the train to Truro before 08:00. We collected our tickets and awaited the 09:26 to Reading with me racking my brains trying to remember the last time I caught a long distance train. Apart from the local service on Army v Navy rugby match days I think I was probably in the Navy, so maybe 15 > 20 years ago!!.
I enjoyed the journey, good seats, plenty of room, free tea/coffee and smally eats, quite relaxing really. We arrived at Reading at 13:30 where we were met by Clare, Sam and Mark, a quick walk through Reading and then back to Mark's.
In the evening we ate at TGi FRiDAYS, a couple of Samuel Adams and some ribs later and I was ready for bed!!
Another long day, but their different days when you are on holiday.
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