Early morning walk

4years 8days

Rocking her mismatch tights, her new tutu dress and some jolly good twirls and jumps on the way to nursery in the early morning light. She was exceptionally excited to get to nursery this morning as her favourite nursery worker is back from holiday today. She hasnt seen her since before our holiday. So Katie's taken her scrapbook back in, plus Kylie the Kangaroo as Lesley asked her to bring back a kangaroo and Katie thought it would be funny to take Kylie.

Mummy is shooting the last wedding of the year today, back in time for her first big girl swimming class. From Grade 1 they not only dont have mummies, their teacher isnt in the water and they're in water that is out of Katie's depth. She's officially passed this grade already, but isnt allowed to skip it because she's is younger than the age for even starting it!

By the time we arrive home from swimming Granny and Grandad will have come for some tea and a play. A nice day all in all.

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