I'm a.....

Noisy pain in the proverbial!

These were presents for the boys off a friend she is evil. If I set them off one more time they are going out the window!!

We have had two wonderful nights with the boys. They gave either slept for 5 or 6 hour stints and we have had only one late night feed at about 1am. I hoping that this means we'll be getting rid of that feed soon and they start sleeping all the at through, and then start sleeping straight away from when they get put to be bed at 8pm. I'd be happy if the slept from 8 till 6 or even 9 till 6 but we are getting there.

The napping in the cots had been a mixed bag when they do settle they sleep better and longer than when the have been sleeping in the pram which is great but I keep having to pop and check on them! Paranoid mummy

Contemplating going to a mother and baby group in one of the churches in the village tomorrow church isn't really my thing so I'm hoping it's not too god squady and just full of nice mums

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