
Max's lovely Mum Moominmamma aka Granny Gill is here! She couldn't make it across yesterday because of the weather and I was apalled to hear that she had had to stand all the way from Haywards Heath to Clapham Junction and that nobody offered her a seat, she says she was pressed against the door, her knee was hurting when she arrived :-(
We tried to visit Kew gardens but it was closed for post storm tree checks as was Osterley House!!! So after a frustrating hour in the car we went to lovely Bushy Park and walked around the woodland gardens.
The boys were winding each other up so when we got home Zebedee and I made Brownies, Cheese straws and Flapjacks and Gulliver spent some time with GG.
We are all tired and looking forward to an evening on the sofa!

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