Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Dog and a car

Woke up and headed over to take flip top out to Solihull and our Mac to the Apple shop. Turns out that they will need the Mac for a week to see what is wrong with it as the diagnostic they ran showed everything working correctly. Typical. Will now have to bring it all the way back to Glasgow to get it fixed.
Found that I hadn't packed any jeans for the weekend so had to head into Hollister to try on a few pairs. Managed to find a pair of skinny jeans that were an OK fit and a new top.
Dropped L back at her home and headed over to see my Mum and Dad.
While I was driving back I spotted this dog in the back of the car in front. Seemed to be having great fun with his head out of the window.
Good to see them both and to hear all about Mum's trip to India. She was presenting in front of 1000 other women members of ACWW, as she is the head of the organising committee for the next meeting in the UK in 2016.
Seems that her presentation went well and she is now in full blown organising mode.
J was dropped off by her parents when we met them for some food.

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