Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


This was the day for the Dublin City Marathon, and I'd toyed with the idea of photographing some of the action. That turned out to be one of the good intentions with which the road to hell is paved. The afternoon was well advanced by the time I got my act together and struggled out of the house, so no marathon blip this year (maybe next time).

One of those rural weather experts had forecast really bad weather for the race but couldn't have been more wrong. The sun was still shining nicely when I got myself to the area of the Mater hospital (this time, not because I had to be there for health reasons, but just because that's where the diversions and so on led me to). I managed to find a parking spot and spent an hour and a half walking around and playing with the camera.

It wasn't too easy choosing a blip, but this shot of the portico of the hospital in the evening sunlight with its crisp shadows sums up the afternoon rather nicely. Back home it was a matter of food and music and TV until bed beckoned.

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