cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"my tears"

Of all the little snippets of advice and wisdom that my little desk calendar has dished out so far this year, this has to be the most uninspiring piece of advice to date....

Live to the point of tears....? How is this inspirational?! :/

But as I thought about it more - tears are an outward sign of emotion - be it positive or negative emotion, so perhaps it means that we should live to our emotional breaking points! Now this makes more sense to me because there have already been a few times in my life to date where I have most certainly lived to my emotional breaking point - torn heart strings, successes, failures and dreams both fulfilled and broken!

And so long may I continue to live to the point of my tears because that to me should hopefully be a life well lived! :)

"So take a good look at my face,
You'll see my smile looks out of place.
If you look closer it's easy to trace,
The tracks of my tears."

# Tracks of my Tears - Smokey Robinson #
Another all time favourite of mine! :)

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