En route - early morning

The adventure starts here.

Up at the usual time, 5:30 am. Same breakfast. Same good night's sleep.

My feet were starting to get sore at this point, with blisters forming pretty much everywhere!

We set off just after 7, singing and praying and generally having a good time.

Choir practice again and a beautiful sung Mass in a forest, which was pretty much awesome.

A quite average lunch (we're getting used to the food though, so all good!) and then off again.

My feet were so sore that I decided to walk up the front and just be quiet for a few hours until we reached our destination. It's good to be quiet for a while from time to time.

Another hall, smaller this time. A shower! A pub across the road! Score!

We spent a pleasant evening (after the wonderful St John's ladies had bandaged up my sore paws) eating good food and singing. I may have had a couple of glasses of red wine too ... Okay, I did!

I got to meet lots of people and had a blast, singing along with Fr Arthur playing the piano.

Bed quite late, but happy.

Night all.


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