
By Alaska

Proud to be a Pansy

In the US, the word "pansy" is used to refer to a person (usually a guy) who is weak, a wimp, a wuss. (It was probably used more in the past than now)

But it is such a misnomer!!! This little pansy is almost my only flower still perking along. It began blooming in June, produced profusely all summer, has been through several nights of well below freezing temperatures, thaws out, and remains colorful and cheerful. Many of the pansies and their cousins the violas drop seeds that sprout in the spring. Very unusual in Alaska except for wildfowers.

I said that this is ALMOST my only flower still hanging in there - there are a few others that are all volunteer pansies or violas that are growing in the gravel around the house.

Weak? A pansy? NO WAY!

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