Clematis and memories of Cleo

This morning I went to support mum as she took her lovely 17½ year old cat Cleo (more latterly known as Leo) to be put to sleep. Poor old Cleo/Leo was getting very thin, was blind in one eye and the other was questionable, and had kidney failure.

He (as he turned out to be) had a lovely life. Kariba was just 3½ when Mum and Art got Cleo and she used to called him the catpoodle as, being part Persian, regular shaving was required.

Sorry I wasn't the best support for you mum, blubbing early on in the piece! I was glad to be there with you. It was a hard decision for you to make but it was the right time, before he got really ill. Thinking of you.

Your clematis looks wonderful, here it is in all its glory. xxxx

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