
Thinks the Blip My Life in Pictures is very interesting
I am so chuffed with this pressy from Her Mum & Dad
such a thoughtful gift, and inside it reads
" The Photos you take are beautiful & Inspiring, here is
a book filled with the most popular ones you have Blipped
Happy Birthday. Lots of Love Leah Kevin & Isla.
I feel well
and truly blessed. Today Leah and myself cleand her old
flat in the city she moves proper tomorrow, but only a few
bits and bobs because all of us have done the big stuff they
cannot wait to get into a bigger place, even tho it's in a fairly
large village Isla and Leah will have a much busier social
life, it's funny how living in a large city can become quite
lonely. Hope your all having a great day. Oh and don't bother
to go large to see the wrinkles :-DDDDDD HA like I care!!!

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