
By DancingAly

All Aglow

Woke up to gorgeous sunshine every day since the storm, and cannot resist trying to capture it, even if this is essentially a picture of my bathroom!

Despite the glorious weather it's been a bit of a blue half-term, as payday is not until Thursday and has left me with no slush money to speak of! I have enjoyed my time relaxing, and even took Little B for a little walk to stretch his legs. I popped to the dentist today for the first time since 2005(!), and had to actually postpone having xrays taken as I couldn't afford them. I don't think I was their favourite patient once they realised they weren't going to make any money out of me! At least not until next year anyway.

The day was blighted a little, as I had booked to go speed dating in Guildford. All day I was thinking I would just be a no-show, but in the end I decided to just be brave and go. I didn't manage to persuade anyone to go with me, which was a shame, and I think I was most nervous about going in alone. Plus I had no idea what to expect as I hadn't been before.

As it turned out, it was a really fun evening! There were more men than women, which was another bonus, and the whole thing was just a relaxed and fun way to meet new people. I would definitely do it again.

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