Off Roading Experience!

It was a wet afternoon today, but we still decided to go for a drive in the car and a walk through Torachilty Forest.It got wetter so we headed back to the car and my dearly beloved suggested a drive to Loch Achilty. This we did and stopped every so often along the Lochside for photos. We then carried on and headed over the Meig Dam. On the other sde we drove off and after a few hundred metres it changed to a dirt track or hill track. I thought this had changed since I was last on this road twenty years ago. Nothing daunted I thought we would soon come onto the main road, but the road started rising very steeply with sharp twists and turns and kept rising. I was so intent on the road, when my wife shouted stop. I looked ahead, by now we were 500 metres higher up from the dam on one hell of a track, but right in front was this magnificent Red Deer Stag. He stopped and posed and I took a few photo's. He moved into the side growth and we carried on, but there was no road. We turned round another half a mile near the top of the hill and started making our way gingerly down. I say gingerly because we looked for the dam and it was small speck below us. We didn't realise how high we had gone. However we got back to where the Stag was and it was still standing about twenty metres from the track and he looked up and posed! I immediately thought BLIP! we eventually got down the hill and crossed back over the dam . My wife said we could do with a Brandy to chill the nerves and also that I still knew how to give a girl a good time!.Off Roading was quite an experience and we saw this great Stag. Good job I have an SUV!

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