Homework deadline

Well, I am sorry to admit that this is a very half hearted approach to Module 1 of the new Camera School. I haven't had time in the last few weeks to even think about it and the deadline is today. I almost didn't bother but I knew I wouldn't get started again if I missed this one. My teacher's report would read "could do better"! I don't expect more than a bronze but I admit I would be devastated if I fail! The module is "Still Life" and it had to be a photo of at least three fruit and/or veg.

I only managed four out of the six modules from last term, not due to time but due to subject matter. My results were:-

Module 1 - Landscape - Bronze - I was very disappointed as landscapes are what I like to do. I think it "failed" by not 100% conforming to the set rule of thirds.

Module 2 - Portrait - Gold - I was amazed as I don't do people!

Module 3 - Action - No submission as I couldn't find a willing subject.

Module 4 - Nature - Silver

Module 5 - Black and White - Silver

Module 6 - Pet Portraits - No submission as I don't have a pet so found it rather difficult even though they relaxed the rules a bit

I will be interested to see what the subjects are this term and I will try harder to participate and get back into the swing of it.

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