Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Well my headache isn't as bad but I've had really bad eye strain all day, makes working so tiring :( Don't think I can put it off for too much longer I think I will have to go back to the opticians I have a feeling my prescription might need to be made weaker again, or perhaps I need separate glasses for computer work. Being short sighted I've always had to take my glasses off to read comfortably for long periods but day to day stuff is normally fine. Though I never used to be able to make out the computer screen, now however it's still blurry but I can read it with out my glasses. So catch 22 eye strain from wearing the glasses that feel too strong for the computer or instant relief taking the glasses off but then eye strain from reading slightly blurred computer :/ Can someone tell me what it's like to not have a headache or hurting eyes (my light sensitivity also seems bad at mo). Oh well I am already in bed and I'm going to rest my eyes by er reading Night night all (The pest pictured here already wants under the duvet)

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