A different view of The Bridge

Took a detour en-route home this evening via South Queensferry to see if there was anything worth taking from that side. Nothing much other than a bus load of Japanese tourists all out taking pictures of The Bridge.

As I drove over the bridge the sky was turning a nice gradient blue/pink, so I took another detour down to NQ and took some shots.

Busy night, never managed to upload so this is a backblip. Had to head up to hospital to collect Grandads clothes & belongings then take them to the care home/recovery unit he will be in for some time. The hospital packed him off in an ambulance up there earlier in the day but wouldn't take his belongings as "there wasn't any room". Bollocks, there was loads of room according to him and in the end it was only 3 bin bags (the hospital puts patient stuff in marked white bags the size of bin bags). Oh well, never mind, we got to see his new digs and take Murphy in to see him which cheered him up.


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